Wipe Your Feet

That’s where microfiber towels will come to the rescue.
Make no mistake: We always have a soft inside doormat in place. But while it does clean paws and feet, it takes a long time to dry. As a temporary fix, we spread out an old bath towel at the door, but it, too, collects water and seems to take forever to dry — especially in humid weather. Other possible solutions we looked at included absorbent interior door mats (and there are dozens on the market), but most are big and bulky, requiring more storage space. When you live fulltime in a fifth wheel, storage space is at a premium.

Admittedly, I’m infatuated with doggy piddle pads (training pads) and use them for all kinds of dirty jobs, so placing one under the microfiber towel seemed like a natural addition. Since these pads, which are available online and at just about any pet store, can hold up to a gallon of water, they make a great liner to capture excess moisture that makes its way through the microfiber towel.

My little experiment worked well and keeps dirt and moisture outdoors, where they belong. We’ll likely buy larger towels in the near future, and since they work so well, maybe we need to buy microfiber towels for us humans — without the piddle pads, of course.
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